Learn about overhead power line safety. Duke Energy Carolinas : 800. Kentucky or Ohio : 800. Being around power transmission lines comes with certain risks.
In fact, accidentally contacting one can be dangerous and in some cases, even deadly. Oct The following are safety crucial points to follow if you find yourself near broken power lines : If you are in a vehicle that has touched a wire you.
Do not approach or drive over a downed power line and do not touch. Taking larger steps can also create a path for electricity to run through you. But even with our many precautions, electrical contact accidents have occurred.
Remember, power lines can kill. If possible, the power company should deactivate lines in the fire area. Keep all aviation activity away from. Electricity plays a key role in our lives.
Never touch or go near a downed power line. Unsubscribe from ATCO Group? This video deals with the dangers of working near overhead and underground power lines.

Beware of downed lines touching a vehicle. Stay away from the vehicle and the line. Here are some basic rules about power line safety : Never climb utility poles or transmission towers. A typical overhead distribution line has 2volts per wire.
The program features six key safety rules to follow when working around power lines. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). You could receive a severe shock, burn or even be killed if you touch or even come too close to one. Power lines are VERY dangerous!
Downed power lines. If you encounter a downed power line, move a safe distance away and always assume that it is energized. While some energized wires. Distribution Network Operator.
Contact with overhead power lines is extremely dangerous. Accidentally contacting a power line can be dangerous and in some cases even deadly. A high proportion of accidents occur when vehicles or machinery make contact with overhead lines.
If a vehicle or machine becomes. Before you start any yard work or outdoor home.

Why is it critical all of the employees know and understand the hazards that exist with the cranes so close to the power lines? Your local electric cooperative wants to help our members stay safe around power lines. Whether you are playing. If you are driving a vehicle that comes into contact with a downed power line, you are usually safe as long as you remain in your vehicle.
Fallen electric lines are extremely dangerous and can cause injury or possibly even death. If you see someone injured after touching a downed power line, call 9–1–1. Subpart Title: Cranes and Derricks in Construction. Information on powerline safety.
For those working in close proximity to overhead and underground powerlines, info on requirements and exclusion zones. This is the most important rule: Work at a safe distance from all power lines.