Canopy definition

How to use canopy in a sentence. The definition of a canopy is a roof like covering or anything that seems to cover. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and. English dictionary definition of canopy.

In biology, the canopy is the aboveground portion of a plant community or crop, formed by the collection of individual plant crowns. In forest ecology, canopy also. A canopy is a roof-like covering for a be made of fabric. A lot of little girls dream of having a four-poster bed with a ruffled canopy.

Video shows what canopy means. A high cover providing shelter, such as a cloth supported above an object. What does canopy mean? Canopy walkway in Rwanda (3).

Information and translations of canopy in the most. Pronunciation: primarystress kan- schwa -p emacron.

The upper tree branches form a continuous canopy, thus keeping light from reaching the forest floor and hindering the growth of smaller plants. A species of tree in which adult individuals occupy the more or less continuous canopy layer of a forest which, in lowland neotropical rainforests. In the rainforest most plant and animal life is not found on the forest floor, but in the leafy world known as the canopy.

The canopy, which may be over 1feet. Most of the trees are. Any overhanging or projecting roof structure, typically over. Find descriptive alternatives for canopy. Synonyms for canopy at Thesaurus. The parts of a grape vine that are above groun particularly the shoots, leaves, and fruit. Fashion designers, clothing brands and apparel manufacturers are likely unaware that some of their stylish fabric creations are made from trees – let alone the.

Aug and tree canopy definitions because they are in small isolated patches, less than 1-acre after. Urban Forest Planting BMP. Part of the Britain Express Historic.

Following his award-winning work on inner-city violence, Code of the Street, sociologist Elijah Anderson introduces the concept of the “cosmopolitan canopy ” —the. Jun Measuring fractional forest canopy element cover and openness – definitions and methodologies revisited. This subclass is indented under the class definition. Subject matter comprising an easily-portable canopy type having a cover, a stick, and a framework.

The transparent covering of an aircraft. Alternate canopy permit available. Application for canopy permit.

In the definitions below, “general layer of the canopy ” refers to the bulk of the tree crowns in the size class or cohort being examined. Crown classes are most. Noun: canopy ka-nu-pee.

Definition of canopy with images. Biomass production by a plant canopy is directly related to the amount of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) the canopy intercepts. This, in turn, is related. The textbook definition of ecosystem, as stated in "Elemental Geosystems," is, "a self-regulating association of living plants, animals and their non-living physical.

Generally speaking, tree canopy refers to the part of a city that is shaded by trees. Imagine for a moment that you are a bird flying high above Baltimore, looking. AWNING – An awning is an. May Here are the most significant aspects of proper management: knowing your strains, training your plants, and maintaining the canopy during the.

Forest, Forest includes natural forests and forest plantations. It is used to refer to land with a tree canopy cover of more than. MnemonicDictionary.