It is occasionally used as a substitute for Genuine Mahogany, and is sometimes referred to as “ Sapele Mahogany. Jul Sapele : Dark red-brown, almost with an orange tint. Utile: Dark red-brown. Lighter from Ghana.
Sapele wood (sometimes spelled Sapelle or Sapelli) is quite popular for flooring, and stock with a “ribbon” grain. Comments: Sapele makes a great alternative to Honduran ("Genuine") Mahogany. Jan Uploaded by East Teak Fine Hardwoods, Inc. Other trade names: de: Sapelli-Mahagoni, Aboudikro.

Entandrophragma cylindricum. This is the latests in our series of videos on our blog and channel for your enjoyment. I use a lot of Sapele here in the shop! I talk about my experiences and those of my students with using Sapele.

Aug Uploaded by Eric Schaefer MAHOGANY AND SAPELE : BEAR CREEK LUMBER bearcreeklumber. Scientific Name: Khaya ivorensis and K. Sapele has emerged as the primary mahogany wood the last few years. Imported from Africa, this.