Install horizontal flashing extending from the top of all windows and doors and. Century Series, Aluminum and Metal Flashing and Trims.
Where windows project out from the siding, a free draining cap flashing with a drip edge should be provided unless the windows are protected by an. RIGID FLASHING ( DRIP CAP ). Rigid flashing is typically aluminum or vinyl.
It is often custom made to fit a particular window or door.
WEATHER RESISTANT. Competitive price building materials in Long. Ours are made from 4" wide stock. Heavy weight Flexible Drip Cap Flashing. We supply flexible drip cap flashing with our.
What about for retro-fit window that do not have house wrap? That is, the wall framing is already covered by sheating? Do I still need to install drip cap ?
Trying to determine weather the drip cap above windows is done by the window installer or the siding. Mar Drip Cap – An aluminum attachment installed on the very top of a window unit. Works to stop water from seeping and pooling at the top of a. Install the head flashing : over and beyond the jamb flashing (and over the drip cap if installed). Integrate the WRB: fold down the house wrap flap and.